in·tu·i·tive - using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
“After 2 years of falling into the BS of diet culture unknowingly, I now have a deeper understanding of how restricting yourself and overexerting yourself are NOT the key to a healthy lifestyle, and can sometimes perpetuate the problem. I look and feel 10x better now than I did when I was obsessively working out and restricting my eating habits. I love chocolate, I love pizza, and I love burgers BUT I also love the gym and love my body. I can confidently say that I WILL NEVER DIET AGAIN because I now know what I need to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.
I don’t want to be skinny, I don’t want to be lean, I don’t want the “Instagram bod”. I am distancing myself from body envy and focusing on myself and trusting my body. This year is all about body capability and not the look, less superficial more superpower.
I now eat intuitively, work out when I want, and am more self-confident. Making peace with my body is the best decision I’ve ever made.
Peace, Love, Let’s eat,”