Too Skinny.
With December in full swing. I thought I would share a narrative that is super prevalent in my lifestyle, eating disorder, and recovery. That is, how societies perceptions of us, shape our sense of self worth // The Looking Glass Self.
It was two years ago that I realized, I internalized the ways others viewed my body, my weight, my eating. Me.
Two Years ago… I wrote:
“In conclusion, I hope that you all do what feels right. Eat when you’re hungry, gym when you’re feelin’ it and rest when you need it. If you’re craving a salad, don’t feel weird about it. If you want a slice of pizza, hit that hard. If you’re sore, THAT’S A GOOD SIGN.
So, excuse me while I attempt to do a pull up.”
This post had received so much positive feedback and I was not surprised by the amount of people who could relate. Since then, I have not experienced any type of change in comments about my body, especially at occasions such as Christmas dinners and eating at restaurants. What has changed is my perspective and the way I let comments fuel me. I want everyone to know that it does not matter how much you eat in comparison to one another. Whatever your body may look like, it is okay to eat more, it is okay to eat less, it is even okay to not be hungry. Never apologize for the way you look and feel. If you are concerned about your weight or body image, do not struggle to restrict yourself. Enjoy the special occasions like Christmas and your birthday. I mean you can't not eat cake on your birthday and resist pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving am I right? Rather, focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, one that will make and keep you happy so that you can achieve your goals long term. This sounds simple, but it can be hard to hold yourself accountable and allow yourself indulge at times as we have been taught that it is a sign of weakness. I have finally learned that allowing yourself a treat and indulging actually shows maturity and strength. Hold yourself to your own standards and not others. Put yourself first.
with love,